'Our Lovely Day' has now been released! Really, this thing's a lot of fun. Even if I weren't singing on it I'd like it. Fancy a song using only spoons as percussion? It sounds as if Fred Astaire's in the room! And have you ever heard a 1930s Novachord organ? There's a solo on one in the second track. It is the sound of nostalgia! A Nice Cup of Tea has a kazoo solo, glockenspiel, a whistling chorus and a ukulele! Track four is accompanied by two guitars and a mandolin, and track five is my most-requested number, ever.
The CD is a lovely thing to have and to hold, and the booklet tells the stories of all these songs, how I came to know them, and how they've affected others. You can buy it and it will arrive in the mail, a physical fact (how retro is that, to put out a CD?) if you go
Otherwise it exists in these online sources:
Thank you all for the support and please enjoy, and please, please share.
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